Maris F. L. Galesloot

ELLIS PhD Candidate @ Radboud University Nijmegen.


Mercator 1

Toernooiveld 212

6525EC Nijmegen, The Netherlands

I am an ELLIS PhD Candidate at the Department of Software Science (SWS) of the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (iCIS), located at Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. I am supervised by Prof. Dr. Nils Jansen, part of the AI-FM research group, and part of the coordinator team of the ELLIS Unit Nijmegen.

My research interests revolve around sequential decision-making under uncertainty. More specifically, I specialize in model-based reinforcement learning and online planning in partially observable and uncertain environments. My work focuses on developing algorithms that are both scalable and robust to enable real-world applications. Therefore, the aim is to combine the robustness of model-based approaches with the scalability of data-driven learning techniques.


Jan 15, 2024 My first paper, entitled “Factored Online Planning in Many-Agent POMDPs” has been accepted for publication at AAAI-24! Congratulations and a big thank you to my co-authors!
Apr 13, 2023 This personal page is alive!